How to Wash Custom Printed Apparel

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You’ve created the perfect custom T-shirt or hoody! Now how do you keep it looking great for years to come? It’s a question that our customers ask on a regular basis. The answer is as easy as 1,2,3.

1. If the item has a zipper, zip it up. Then turn your custom screen-printed apparel inside out before you wash it. (Actually, all of your clothes will benefit from washing them inside-out as it helps reduce fading and fabric pilling).

2. Wash like colors and textures together in COLD water. Cold water gets your custom printed clothes clean and is gentler on fabric. Don’t use bleach or other strong detergent products. Avoid putting a super soft custom T-shirt in the machine with a stiff pair of blue jeans as this can cause extra friction that may eventually cause the softer fabric to pill (pilling is the annoying bumps that appear when softer fabrics rub and twist together regularly). And dark jeans can fade onto a white or light-color t-shirt.

3. Hang your garments to dry or use the low heat setting on the dryer. To reduce wrinkles, remove items from the dryer before the items are completely dry and hang them up or lay them out to finish drying. (High heat is probably the worst enemy of most clothing, especially custom printed apparel, as high heat can cause fabric to shrink and cause a design to wrinkle, crack or stick.)

About Post Author

Amber Barz

Amber Barz has been researching, writing, and editing website copy since 2008. She has written multiple books, magazine articles and blogs on a multitude of topics, including fashion, decorating, and graphic design. She is graduate of the University of Northern Iowa and holds a degree in communication with minors in journalism and advertising. She has worked with Broken Arrow T-Shirt Printing and Embroidery for over a decade.
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